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- Göz Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Servisi
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- Plastik ve Estetik Cerrahi Servisi
- Podoloji
- Psikoloji Servisi
- Radyoloji / Girişimsel Radyoloji Servisi
- Üroloji Servisi

Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition and dietetics services are one of the comprehensive health and well-being services offered by our hospital. Our experienced nutritionists offer personalized nutritional guidance to our patients to maintain good health, control weight, manage chronic diseases or optimize your eating habits.
Diet Counseling
The nutrition and dietetics experts at our hospital are here to help you create a nutrition plan that is right for you and help you adopt a healthy lifestyle. Each individual’s needs are different, so our counselors will develop a nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle, medical history and goals.
Disease Management
Nutrition is crucial for the management of chronic diseases. We offer nutrition plans specifically designed for patients with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and obesity. These plans can help control disease and improve health.
Weight Management
Weight control can positively impact not only your appearance, but also your overall health. Our nutritionists can create customized nutrition plans to help you achieve your weight loss or weight gain goals.
Nutrition Education
Knowledge about healthy eating is important for long-term health and well-being. Nutritionists at our hospital organize educational sessions and seminars on nutrition so that our patients can integrate healthy eating habits into their daily lives.
Making healthy lifestyle changes can improve your quality of life and help you maintain good health. Our nutrition and dietetic services are here to guide you in making these changes. Please feel free to contact our experts to create a customized nutrition plan or for more information on nutrition. Your health is important to us.
Make an Appointment at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
You can quickly make an appointment by calling +90 392 371 37 90 | +90 548 889 52 62.